Comic Review: Blue Bloods

Blue Bloods: The Graphic Novel
by Melissa de la Cruz (author),
Robert Venditti (author) and Alina Urusov (illustrator)
Rating: ★★★

Schuyler Van Alen is a loner, and happy that way. But when she turns fifteen, her life dramatically changes. A mosaic of blue veins appears on her arms, and she begins to have memories of another time and place. When a classmate is found dead at a night club, the mystery deepens. Most surprising of all, Jack Force, the hottest boy in school, starts showing a sudden interest in her.

Schuyler wants answers, but is she prepared to learn the truth…especially when she discovers her part in it?

This was a surprisingly interesting read for a graphic novel adapted from the Blue Bloods series. I read Blue Bloods (the first in the series) many years ago when I found it randomly on a visit to the library. I don’t remember being particularly wooed by the story but it was around the same time I was obsessed with the Gossip Girl book series so another series of rich teenagers in New York sounded great.The first book ended up being a two-star read for me but I think I actually started reading the second book in the series and then I gave up midway through.

I actually had no idea this graphic novel was adapted from that series since it was so long ago that I didn’t make the connection but it’s pretty cool that I stumbled across it because it made the book sound interesting. Whenever books are turned into graphic novels they are super condensed and sometimes for books you really love it feels lacking but for this book it was perfect because it put all the highlights in and would probably really encourage people to go and read it.

The illustrations were lovely but very smooth like the perfect look achieved by a photoshopped effect. I liked that the background in some frames was blurred but still totally filled in so there was very little white space that wasn’t outside the borders. The characters were also completely gorgeous but the main character, Schuyler, took the cake with the most enviable face and figure for all the rest. The cover is also illustrated by Fiona Staples so it seems I can never get away from her despite whatever graphic novel/comic I’m reading but I’m not complaining at all!

Since it has been at least five years since I read this book I remembered very, very little of the book so it was basically all a mystery to me as I went along and it did seem like an interesting plot for a vampire-romance book. With limited time the graphic novel had it still introduced the characters thoroughly, set up the drama, incorporated a few shocking twists for the main character and wrapped up the ending well with a clear path to the next book. I’m not sure how people who loved the book series feel about it but I think it was adapted well by the author and illustrator.

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– Kirra

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