Currently reading: Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

After I finished the Michelangelo book, I’ve moved on to two books by Virginia Woolf: “Mr. Dalloway” and “A Writer’s Diary”. The first one was okay, a little slow in a Woolf kind a way. The second one was really good, I love reading her personal thoughts and experiences. I’ve came to a conclusion: I like her style of writing, but I love her more as a person than as a writer. I find her to be a fascinating person.

After Woolf I moved on to “Thus Spoke Zarathustra” by Friedrich Nietzsche and I’m still reading it. I like it because there are a lot of great thoughts that are blowing my mind. But, at moments it feels like I’m reading the bible, so that is why I started to parallelly read another book: “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” by Lewis Carroll. It’s perfect to break the seriousness of Nietzche and have a little fun.

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