This card is so pretty, I feel like there’s a really positive and warm energy circling around it and the hands suggest movement and mysticism. Wands are the suit of creativity, passion and inner spark. This card makes me want to delve a little deeper and get to know this particular queen.
The Queen Of wands represents a person in your life who is creative, someone who inspires you, who shares skills with you. They are a person who will support you and help you on your own journey. You might look up to this person, but it isn’t in a way where their influence is heavy. Instead I think it is a more collaborative relationship.
I can think of a few people who represent this card on my life. Radical, creative, witchy femmes who share their magic and their art, people who I want to spend so much more time with, talking about life, creating and exploring. These are good people in my life, and they definitely don’t have the manipulative or controlling energy that past friendships have carried – where I’ve looked up to someone and it has served as an ego boost for them. The femmes I’m thinking of feel much more safe and mutual, we can learn from each other. I think these are the people to maintain nurturing friendships with.
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