Day 08: Most overrated book

I am not going to put a disclaimer or apologize for this post in advance for by now, everyone who reads my blog knows that I am blunt. I am not going to discourage anyone from reading these books regardless of my opinions. 

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

I tried reading this book twice, but I couldn’t get into it. I find it really, really boring and insipid. This was a snooze fest and I’ll label it the most overrated book in the history of literature, but I figure I’ll save it for another book.

Paper Towns by John Green

I had the displeasure of reading this book recently (upcoming review in the near future!), and now I am reconsidering reading another book by this author. It seems as if all of his books follow an exact same plot with different characters… like Hollywood. It was a dumb book, period.

I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou

Another book I plan on doing a near future review on. This book was not an okay book and it was not worth reading. It irked me.

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