Hello, wonderlandians. How is your Tuesday going? Mine started off really good I got some reading done.
This is the best thing to do when I start trying to get up in the morning. I have a great tag for you today. I got this idea off Dreamland Book Blog. I thought it would be fun to do this so you could get to know my reading habits. Let me know if you do any of these things.
Reading Habits
1. Do you have a certain place at home for reading?
Yes, my bedroom I don’t leave my room when I am home. Sometimes I will venture out in to our living room, but mostly my boyfriend is out there doing his thing playing video games.
2. Bookmark or random piece of paper?
3. Can you just stop reading or do you have to stop after a chapter/ a certain amount of pages?
I can stop reading whenever it does not bug me.
4. Do you eat or drink while reading?
Both. Like you have to have at least something to drink. If I know that i am going to to be going hard core on my reading that day. I will make sure that I have book and drinks at the ready or easy stuff to make.
5. Multitasking: Music or TV while reading?
Both I like it as background noise.
6. One book at a time or several at once?
Several books at once. I can’t read just one book at a time.
7. Reading at home or everywhere?
8. Reading out lout or silently in your head?
Silently in my head.
9. Do you read ahead or even skip pages?
Sometimes. I really try not to but I get really curious.
10. Breaking the spine or keeping it like new?
Keeping the spine like brand new
11. Do you write in your books?
Yes, I am currently in the middle of writing two books. If you guys want to know about then let me know.
1. When do you find yourself reading? Morning, afternoon, evening, whenever you get the chance or all the time?
Whenever I can get the chance.
2. What is your best setting to read in?
My bedroom
3. What do you do first – Read or Watch?
4. What form do you prefer? Audiobook, E-book or physical book?
Audiobook and E-book
5. Do you have a unique habit when you read?
6. Do book series have to match?
Yes, it is drives me crazy when they don’t match.
Thank you all for joining me here in out little part of wonderland. Don’t forget to feed the unicorns on your way out.
Until next time
Much love