Down the TBR Hole #7

I originally saw Down the TBR Hole on JamiShelves and my interest was immediately peaked. Starting over at Lost in a Story, the rules state:

  • Go to your Goodreads to-read shelf.
  • Order on ascending date added.
  • Take the first 5 (or 10 (or even more!) if you’re feeling adventurous) books. Of course, if you do this weekly, you start where you left off the last time.
  • Read the synopses of the books
  • Decide: keep it or should it go?

And so, since I had already vowed to attempt sorting my Goodreads shelves, this seemed the natural extension.

Update: Okay I’ve decided that if I continue at my current rate I will literally never reach the end of my TBR. And so I’ve made some changes. Instead of 10 books, I’m now reviewing 15 books per week. I’ve decided I’m no longer allowed to cop out and say maybe. And all sequels to series that I haven’t started will be removed without making it into a blog post.*

*I honestly don’t even understand my own reasoning for TBRing these books?

I have gone through my maybe shelf so far and removed all of the maybe books from my TBR. Because there are apparently a billion other books I would prefer to read.

Original TBR/Current TBR: 478/463


+Anyone who has ever read a book has heard about TBSP
+4+ stars on GRs


+I’m not a big fan of historical fiction

Decision time: Keep it



+Non-fiction mental health rep
+I have read over and over about how funny this book is
+The audio is supposed to be super amazing


+I tend to get bored with memoirs

Decision time: Keep it



+To Kill a Mockingbird is still one of my absolute favourite classics
+I really want to know how Scout grew up


+I have seen some mixed reviews for this one so I haven’t rushed into reading it

Decision time: Keep it



+This is one of the few YA series that I really want to read

Decision time: Keep it



+This is another one that I really wanna read


+Whenever I see this series in the bookstore they never have the first book?

Decision time: Keep it



+4+ stars on GRs


+I have no idea where this book came from
+It honestly just sounds bizarre

Decision time: Remove it



+I mean this does sound interesting: kid turns invisible and makes friends with a blind person


+Again, no idea where this came from?
+I think past me may have got over-excited with GR giveaways (and added ALL OF THEM TO MY TBR)

Decision time: Remove it



+I really enjoyed Go Ask Alice


+This book sounds exactly the same as Go Ask Alice
+A lot of the reviews say this is exactly the same as Go Ask Alice

Decision time: Remove it



+I read the first three Dexter books and really enjoyed them


+This isn’t another Dexter book
+This is a nonfic analysing the Dexter series

Decision time: Remove it



+Mental health rep


+I have more interest in mental health rep in YA fiction more than memoirs these days
+I’m turned off by the use of ‘strange girl’ on the cover of a mental health rep

Decision time: Remove it



+Mental health rep


+Unless a book is a stand out for some reason I think I’m going to remove most of these nonfic memoirs

Decision time: Remove it



+Mental health rep


+As above

Decision time: Remove it



+Mental health rep


+As above

Decision time: Remove it



+YA mental health rep


+I recently read Temptation of Adam which follows a very similar premise

Decision time: Remove it



+Mental health rep


+I don’t 100% feel comfortable about reading this for personal reasons
+GRs ratings are a bit mediocre

Decision time: Remove it

How did I do?

TBRs kept: 5

TBRs deleted: 10

TBR count before and after: 478 | 453

Have you read any of these books? Are any of these books on your TBR? Have you ever gone through TBR trends? Let me know!

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