I cant tell you exactly how and when I got my start in creativity. Well… That’s not necessarily true. I started when I was a kid, thanks to my mother’s encouragement. What I’m really referring to is when I started studying creativity.
At some point, I discovered The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. Though I still haven’t worked all the way through it, it was still valuable. Thanks to TAW, I learned the value of always having a notebook with me. I have done Morning Pages off and on through the years. I’m not good at the rigidity of it MUST be in the morning.
Another influence is Eric Maisel. He was the keynote speaker at a conference several years ago. I found out about the concept of creativity coaching from him. Since then, I have read several of his books.
I do not necessarily agree with everything Julia Cameron and Eric Maisel say and theorize, but I agree with enough to consider them some pretty major influences on my own creativity studies. There are others that I will talk about in future posts, but these are key to me.
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