Enchant [REVIEW]

I’ve been a fan of Micalea Smeltzer for awhile now, but haven’t read a book like this from her. I didn’t know what to expect, but I definitely was not disappointed.

Enchant was a book that I genuinely had trouble putting down. I finished it last night and it’s still on my mind. The characters were unique and charming in their right (especially Theodore *swoon*), and the story itself was just an enticing and fun read. I laughed a lot and I love books that make me laugh or shake my head at the characters (lovingly, of course). I loved Mara and her spunk. Enchant was an enchanting read, and I’d recommend it to any of my fellow book-lovers.

4/5 Stars.

Here are some songs that reminded me of this story and the characters. Check these songs out while reading this book and you’ll see what I mean!


This is the New Year

Electric Love



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