Falling From Grace

Book Title: Falling From Grace

Author: Louise Burness

Publisher: Charpollo Publishing

Publication Date: December 9th 2016

Genre(s): Women’s Fiction, General Fiction (Adult)

Pages: 330

Format Received: ARC (eBook)

Goodreads: Arcadia: a rural retreat where the lost come to heal their struggles.  Grace Ellis: A respected professional with a healthy bank balance. Not the type to need therapy. Grace has just arrived at Arcadia, and she’s far from happy. A freak accident has caused the staff to be concerned for her safety. She has no chance of leaving anytime soon. She has her issues, but who doesn’t? Grace is about to embark on a personal journey, where she will discover just how important the people we meet can be. She is about to realise that no matter how far you run from the past, it will always come back to haunt you. This time she has nowhere left to hide.

My Review: I would like to thank Louise Burness for allowing me the opportunity to read an electronic version of Falling From Grace.

Straight off the back of reading Ivy Eff, another of Louise’s novels, which I absolutely adored (you can visit my review here), I didn’t know what to expect with Falling From Grace. Was it going to be on par or was it going to be better or worse? I can say for sure it blew my mind.

The progression and style of writing compared to Ivy Eff is highly evident and the substance of the storyline is just amazing and awe inspiring. It encompasses a subject that we all discuss and one that I am sure is spoken about on a daily basis somewhere in the world. I never expected the twist that the novel threw me. I honestly didn’t see it coming, which from a reader’s point of view I’m glad of because at the end of the day, let’s be honest, that would really spoil it wouldn’t it if we knew what every novel was throwing at us with each corner turned?

The overall essence of the novel is all about being given second chances. If you mess up (which we all do at some point in our lives), you can be lucky enough to start over and do it all again – hopefully right the second time around.

About the Author: Louise Burness was born in 1971 and raised in the Scottish town of Arbroath. She spent several years living in Edinburgh and Fife, travelling around Australia and South East Asia and eight years living in West London. She currently lives in Scotland and writes full-time. Louise has written two chick-lit books, ‘Crappily Ever After’ and ‘Ivy Eff,’ and children’s books, ‘Under the Sun’ and ‘Rock Upon a Time.’ For more information about Louise Burness, visit her website here. Or, if you’re interested in reading a featured author Q&A session that Louise took part in for pageturnersnook, click here.

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