Feminism is my Realism- Kindra M. Austin & Christine Ray


I am Organism


Defense Mechanism


Feminism is my Realism


Because #MeToo, Motherfuckers

I’ve been abused

Been paid less cash

Called a Radical Cunt a

Bleeding Heart Liberal and

Put in my place—

Not my place, but theirs


I’ve been judged by the size of my body and clothes I wear

Been held back by (un)intelligent men and even stupider women

Who mock my Heart and Common Sense—

Slammed by Pseudo-Brain influenced by Meme Culture


I am Organism polluting the Cesspool

Feminism is my Realism

(Kindra M. Austin)

I am Organism


Defense Mechanism


Feminism is my Realism


Because if I had been paid my 80 cents on the dollar

For every time I have been called



Ball breaker

Since I was 12 years old

I’d be in the damn 1%


Told my whole life

That I am

Too angry

Too emotional

Too loud

Too direct

Ask too many questions

Why-can’t-you-just- sit-quietly-like-a-lady-and-smile-more?


Gagged with guilt to keep the peace


so others can maintain the precious status quo


I am Virus circulating in the Bloodstream

Feminism is my Realism

(Christine Ray)

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