For immediate Release: Community Activist Leadership will rally at Police District 11 to demand Immediate termination of Racist Cop

For immediate Release: Community Activist Leadership will rally at Police District 11 to demand Immediate termination of For immediate Release: Community Activist Leadership will rally at Police District 11 to demand Immediate termination of Racist Copracist Cop

Today September 22, 2017 at 11:00 am

 Chicago, IL On September 22, 2017 at 11:00 a.m-Freedom First International (FFI) is organizing a Protest Rally and Media Briefing, with Violence Interrupters various activist community groups. On group is demanding the instant removal of District 11 Chicago Police Sgt. George Granias who allegedly beat Patassa Johnson while she was in handcuffs, at the 11th District Station. 

Reports later showed that Granias owned several web domains with highly offensive racist tiles such as “NiggerDown.Com.” CBS 2 reported the altercation occurred in the 11th District police station in 2014. Johnson, a medical assistant, was driving home on a Chicago expressway when she was pulled over by a state trooper for allegedly driving drunk.

The activist are intent on bringing attention the fact that with Chicago PD many officers have avoid punishment or even suspensions because the grievance process is slow and complicated, and also because the number of grievances has surged. Add to those issues that the office fails to efficiently track cases — and it can wait for years for the police union to file grievance-related paperwork.  

Bishop Gregg L. Greer of Freedom First International stated, “In Chicago the police accountability system is widely seen as dysfunctional, ” This must change that is why we are now calling attention to this case-because Sgt. Granias has completely violated public trust-and has yet to be terminated, this fact also adds insult to injury.” 

The group believes racist attitudes of police officers become emblematic rather than exceptional.

Notable Facts more: 

* The Freedom First International has written an open letter (below) dated 9/21/17 to Wilber Wright College asking for Granias removal as Professor.

* The Group wrote The Police Commander at Chicago Police District 11, The Mayor’s Office in the same open letter.


                                                                          (View that Letter Here)

Read more:

Wiber Wright College Rating


WHAT:  Freedom First International, Violence Interrupters, Campaign to End Torture, and community organizers are challenging police officials due to fact that a known and documented Racist police officer has yet to be terminated.

WHO: Freedom First International, Bishop Gregg L.Greer, Chicago Campaign to End Torture,and more.

PHOTO/STORY OPP:  Civil Rights Organizers and Community leaders who want continued and progressive Police Reform 

Where: Chicago Police Station District 11 at (10:30am)  3151 West Harrison St  Chicago, IL 60612 (Front)


Are media advisers willing to give one on one interviews: Yes

Contact (s):     

Lead Activist-Media Adviser

Frederick Washington, at One World Transatlantic Global Media, email for more information. You may contact Bishop Gregg L.Greer at  (224) 678-0347 ext. 1 or  (404) 992-8954 he will be on the ground. 


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