Forgive Me, Father, For I Have Forked: Investor To Release Bitcoin God

Forgive Me, Father, For I Have Forked: Investor To Release Bitcoin God

Bitcoin God is the latest, most bizarre hard fork of the Bitcoin network, due to appear Dec. 25.

Chinese Bitcoin and Blockchain Angel Investor Chandler Guo has announced he will release his own Bitcoin hard fork – called Bitcoin God (GOD).

In a tweet sounding not unlike a parody of recent fork announcements in Bitcoin, Guo said his chain would fork off from Core Dec. 25, “to be symbolic of me giving candy to all Bitcoin Holders.”

When asked whether the idea was a joke, Guo confirmed it was “real.”

“The total amount will be 21 mln. No pre-mine,” he added.

Bitcoin God (GOD) will be forked off the main bitcoin chain at the block height of 501225, which will happen on December 25h to be symbolic of me giving candy to all Bitcoin Holders. The total amount will be 21 million. No pre-mine.

— Chandler Guo (@ChandlerGuo) December 4, 2017

December has suddenly become the month of forks for Bitcoin, with at least three set to take their network snapshots before the end of the year.

Bitcoin Diamond, which is currently pre-launch, could also come into effect within the same period, the fork’s futures already listed on Coinmarketcap and trading at around $45.

A key aspect of new ‘versions’ of Bitcoin is its appeal to investors looking to obtain “free money” – duplicate balances of their respective BTC holdings at the time of each snapshot.

This is no doubt the mindset behind December’s Super Bitcoin, Bitcoin Platinum and Bitcoin Cash Plus schemes, with the first of these already confirming it will award equivalent balances to those with BTC.

Guo is meanwhile yet to release further details of Bitcoin God, having made the initial announcement via WeChat.

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