The first thing I did in our yard when we moved into our new home was to set up raised garden beds. Despite having half an acre of land at our disposal, the soil isn’t all that great and raised beds seemed like the perfect, easy way to satiate my love for growing and making things from scratch.
Three years on, the raised beds have evolved and multiplied, and we also have a working compost that provides a wonderful boost of nutrients each time I replant a bed.
Last year I resolved to step up my gardening game and grow plants from seeds only. Part of the appeal of growing your own food is the money that it saves. While buying seedlings is convenient and cheaper than buying from the supermarket, I knew there was more benefits to be had from the seeds.
I’m so pleased and proud to say that my first attempt at growing from seeds has been a roaring success! While not everything I started out in the trays of seed raising mix survived the transfer to the bigger plot, the majority did and I’m already beginning to harvest the fruits and veggies of my labours!
I’ve taken a few snaps of my burgeoning garden, which includes tomatoes, sweet corn, zucchini, beetroot, swiss chard, mixed lettuce, chilli, capsicum and some surprising (and random) plants that have popped up thanks to the compost, including pumpkin!
My next challenge is to learn how to harvest and save the seeds from these plants for next year. If you have any tips or information on how to do this, please do let me know in the comments.
And some bonus pictures from the garden…