This is the third installment focusing on the Graphic Novel genre. The booktalk video below covers two science fiction books that explore the existence of humanity after the Earth has become uninhabitable. This is a popular theme in science fiction and one that is brought to life by the amazing art in these two selections.
Takemiya, K. & Laabs, D.T. (2007). To terra vol. 1. New York, NY: Vertical. ISBN13 9781932234671
In the future, humans determine that humanity is the cause the of all of Earth’s problems and a system is set up with the intention of making humans better stewards of their planet. After centuries of seeming harmony, this system is about to crumble as two sides battle for control over humanity’s destiny.
Iwaoka, H., Thorn, M., Tomo, K., & Erbes, E. (2011). Saturn apartments, vol. 1. San Francisco, CA: Viz Media. ISBN13: 9781421533643
In this version of the future, humanity has abandoned Earth and taken to living on an orbiting apartment complex 35,000 kl above the surface. After graduation, Mitsu goes to work for the guild responsible for cleaning the windows of this complex and embarks on a quest to discover the secrets of his father’s mysterious death.
This topic always reminds me of one of my favorite songs by one of my favorite bands, Hawkwind. Here is a great fan video of the song:
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