Halloween Readathon TBR!

ITS MY FAVOURITE MONTH! October readathon yay! This readathon is acting as my TBR post because I’ve been busy and lazy so I haven’t bothered with a TBR this month. I’ve been free balling it but I really want to read some spoopy books so here we go.

This readathon is held by my favourite Lauren at Wonderless reads, there’s a giveaway and all the fun things so go over there and check it out.

Kisscut by Karin Slaughter

Okay first off Slaughter is the best last name, she doesn’t even need to change it on twitter, it’s too creepy. This cover isn’t dripping blood and gore which I usually go for but the scratches and blood splatters definitely add to the thriller scare vibes and I really need to read more of her books so here we are.

The Girl with all the Gifts

Zombies! Zombies are supernatural right?! I’m actually listening to the audio at the moment and really enjoying it. I have a few other Zombie books on my tbr, I really love the Zombie genre but don’t pick it up as much as I should.


The Handmaids Tale by Margaret Atwood

Okay so I think this si technically a scifi/dystopian BUT dystopian futures are scary as hell, especially one about woman being under control. I’ll see if this really counts as a thriller or horror once I’ve read I may be cheating a little and replace it with something else.


Doctor Sleep by Stephen King

Reading this at night seems so fitting and I cannot wait to finally get it done with (this has been on my tbr for 8 or more years!) If it gets to the end of the challenge I may replace this with The Mist because its short and I can read it at night easily.


I’m probably going to do a netflix series (stranger things) or indy horror, we shall see what happens when the times comes.


TREAT: Borderline by Mishell Baker

I thought I would go with trick butttt this is our book club book of the month and I’m desperate to start it already mythical creatures, mental illness, and disabled main character? YES YES PLEASE.

If you want to join in we’ll be reading this baby on the 17th of this month, all info on the Squabbling Dragons group page. 


Sleeping Beauties by Stephen and Owen King

All but one females fallen into a sleep and been cocooned, when wakened they attack zombie style? This is going to be my first read and I’ve actually started it already. I’m super pumped so hopefully it doesn’t let me down.


Are you joining in? What books are you looking forward to reading? Any Zombies? 


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