Happy Book Birthday, Better Than Good!

Today is the book birthday of my very first published novel. Better Than Good was release on July 8th four years ago. (Amazon gives another date but my contract says the 8th and I believe it! lol) They say your first will always be special and I have to say that’s true for me. I wrote it as a love letter of sorts to my oldest son who came out days before leaving for college in San Francisco. I’d expected his revelation but I wasn’t prepared for his fear. I thought our conversation would be a simple reassuring exchange along the lines of, “We love you. Nothing will ever change.” But my acceptance wasn’t the same as my son’s acceptance of himself. I sensed it could take some time for him to learn to love and respect himself and believe he was worthy of love and respect in turn. I couldn’t follow him to SF so I wrote a story instead.Matt and Aaron’s story is a simple love story about a young law student who meets a beautiful man and soon realizes nothing will ever be the same again. Better Than Good is a journey of self-discovery and ultimately self-acceptance. I had no huge expectations when the book was published. In fact, I really had no clue how anything in the publishing world worked. I’d unwittingly set on my own journey and never looked back.

My son graduated from college last year and is working at a start up in SF. He’s happy, well-adjusted and very in tune with his homosexuality. Gone is the awkward teen and the kid who never fit in. He’s a work in progress, but he’s blossoming into someone he can be proud of too. And me? I’m still writing. This genre is incredibly special. The vision of hope in a well-written romance is so powerfully life-affirming, but it really resonates in the MM world. I’m more grateful than ever to be part of it.For those who’ve asked if there will be more Matt and Aaron shorts, the answer is yes. I can’t let these guys go! LOL. I think about them all the time. Conversations they might have over coffee or while watching television or in bed pop up in my mind at strange times and yeah… what about that wedding?  It will happen. Maybe even later this year. I’ll keep you posted.

In the meantime, thank you for being part of this journey with me.

Happy Reading,  Lane xo

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