Her Campus: Her Conference 2017

Hello darling! Hope all your dreams are all coming true this week. My dreams really came true this past week at Her Conference hosted by Her Campus. I got to meet Brooke Kamenoff (J.Crew’s Senior Associate of Social Media and Digital Development) and Ann Shoket (Former Editor-in-Chief of Seventeen). Some people get excited about meeting athletes, I get excited about meeting successful writers/bosses.

Her Campus: Her ConferenceCourtney and I ended up getting to the conference late (typical), so we missed the first keynote speaker. It ended up working for us because we were able to wander around the conference center. There were stations where you can get your hair and makeup done so obviously we had to do that. I’ve never had my make up done by someone so it was really interesting to be pampered for the two days. After we were all dolled up, there was a section where you can work on post college skills such answering graduate school facts and interview questions. We also entered a plethora of raffles. Courtney ended up winning two very nice makeup palettes!


While I was wandering, I ran into one of my hometown friends, Abby! Her blog, C’est La Vive by Abigail Marie, is the cutest thing. I would definitely check it out if I were you.

Okay, so now the main reason why I wanted to go to Her Campus: the speakers. I was blown away by how humble and down to earth each and every speaker was. The first day, I was lucky enough to see (and meet!) Brook Kamenoff (Senior Associate of Social Media and Digital Development for J.Crew). After reading my blog for a while, you know I’m a huge J.Crew fan. The first thing I do every morning is look at the Instastories from J.Crew. I’m actually mildly addicted. I was able to meet her and now we follow each other on Instagram. Life is g-o-o-d! Plus, she was just such a down to earth person so what could be better?

The keynote speakers Courtney and I were able to see on Saturday were Lisa Sugar (Founder and President of POPSUGAR) and Troian Bellisario (Actress, Writer, Producer, and Director). I’m a huge Pretty Little Liars fan so it was so wonderful seeing her as an actress and now as a producer. She was so funny and kind hearted.

Sunday, I nearly passed out from excitement. I was able to meet my childhood hero: Ann Shoket, the Former Editor-in-Cheif of Seventeen. When I was little, the first thing I did when I got home was look for a Seventeen magazine so I could devour each and every sentence. Honestly, as a 22-year-old I still do! She now has a book called The Big Life and I cannot wait to read it. Her speech was centered around her book and explaining on how you can build the big life. I hope one day to be as poised and confident as her.

The keynote speakers we saw on Sunday were Amani Al-Khatahtbeh (Founder and Editor-in-Chief of MuslimGirl.com) and Aja Naomi King (Actress). Going into the keynote, I didn’t know much about Amani. Her speech was so empowering because she talked about how girls should lift one another and support each other. That is definitely something young girls everywhere need to hear.


Her Campus: Her Conference

Her Campus also gave out all of these wonderful gifts in the beginning of each day. You can tell I’m a book nerd because I cannot wait to read Power Your Happy by Lisa Sugar! Plus, they gave out an eyebrow pencil that I’m dumbfounded on how to use. If any of you have a good blog post on how to do your eyebrows I’d be all over that.

I hope this post gave you a little bit of insight to what Her Campus/Her Conference is all about. Bottom line: Her Campus is meant to empower women. They did an incredible job bringing in these powerful women who are making a huge difference in the world. If you’re still in college or high school, I would 100% recommend Her Campus. You’ll open so many different doors and create an unbreakable bond with the people around you.

As always,

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