Please be aware that this review contains some spoilers. Do not continue reading unless you are fine with being spoiled.
I purchased Magrit after hearing the author, Lee Battersby, speak at last year’s Brisbane Writers Festival. His novel tells of a young girl trapped in a graveyard that no one could get in or out of. That cool premise, combined with the pretty cover, had me desperate to know more.
At first, Magrit seemed to be geared entirely towards younger readers, but as the plot progressed there were little surprises and hidden meanings that children may not have been able to spot.
Magrit is also without a doubt one of the most physically beautiful books I’ve read this year. Everything was carefully considered from the cover design to the chapter headers and illustrations scattered throughout.
I feel like I can’t say much more without spoiling it, but I’d recommend Magrit to anyone looking for a quick, stunning read. It’s a wonderfully layered story that builds to a satisfying revelation, and for a book so small it packs a big impact.
Rating: ★★★★
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