How to use our smallness to shine God’s big light

In J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings, Gandalf says to his friend Frodo:

“All you must decide is how to use the time that is given to you.”

I often ask God what he wants me to do with the time allocated to me. The short life he’s given me.

In my mind, it’s as if there will be “one glorious thing” he wants me to do with my life.

But I know, deep down, that there is not one, but probably many significant little things I can do with my days which may not appear very glorious at all.

I’m about to embark on a mission trip with my family and 20+ other people to a Christian orphanage in India.

I’m scared that what I have to offer, in my weakness and timidity, won’t be enough to make a difference.

But then, I remind myself it’s not about me – but rather, what God is doing, one little bit at a time.

And each one of us on the team, as we show love and compassion to the kids there, simply serve as small ‘pointers’ to him, and what he’s already done through Jesus Christ.

You can make a difference. I can make a difference. One small droplet at a time.

We can reflect God’s glory in the world as his broken vessels.

We don’t have to try and be perfect to shine a light on his greatness.

After all, it’s the most unlikely people that glorify him best.

Leonard Cohen famously sang:

“Ring the bells (ring the bells) that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything (there is a crack in everything)
That’s how the light gets in.”

How will you shine God’s big light today, small one?

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