I Still Watch Cartoons…So?

What’s up? What’s good in your neck of the woods?

So I’m almost 22 years old, and I can proudly say that I still love watching cartoons.

Actually, I should put that in the much more broad term: I love watching animations. And it has to be (mostly) the older stuff, as in the shows that get away with so much more outrageous things. Think of Tom & Jerry:

Those two just stay fuckin’ each other up with a wide array of items: bats, frying pans, nails, anvils, boiling water, you name it. Something like that probably couldn’t come on today as a brand new show, at least not without a bunch of whining from some group of people.

Spontaneous online comment 1: “Boo hoo, it’s too violent!”

Spontaneous online comment 2: “Boo hoo, it’s too offensive!”

Spontaneous online comment 3: “Boo hoo, we shouldn’t let our kids be exposed to this! We should boycott it!”

Me: **rolls eyes** “Here we go again.”

Chill out, it’s a cartoon. It’s not gonna end the world. In fact, I recommend that you go back and watch a few older cartoons. There’s all kinds of valuable life lessons.

One of my favorite cartoons of all time is definitely Ed, Edd n Eddy.

That show taught me what a scam was (for real, it was the first time I heard of the word as a kid). The Ed’s were trying to hustle by any means necessary to buy those jawbreakers that look like they could break your whole skull let alone the jaw. They will sell anything for the low: lemonade, bikes, beds, new friends, anything. Sounds like Craigslist to me.

One of my favorite characters on there has to be Rolf. Rolf was a straight savage at times. There was that one episode (“Dueling Ed’s” S3 E4) where Rolf offered the cul-de-sac a gift of fish balls. Now, yes that does sound extremely nasty, and nobody actually would eat them (or they would eat them in excruciating pain). However, Eddy chose to throw it at the fence with Rolf watching. Long story short, Rolf challenges Eddy to a duel and then proceeds to beat the shit out of Eddy with a raw fish. Now that’s quite the way to restore and lose your dignity. I guess the message there is clear: don’t go out like a punk bitch.

Another one of my favorite cartoons has to be Samurai Jack. There was one episode in particular that had me cracking up though: the episode where Aku decides to tell fairy tales to a group of little kids. Between this and the all-too well known “EXTRA THICC!” delivery, Aku is probably one of the funniest villains of all time.

But yeah, back to the fairy tales:

Is a punchline really needed? You have the personification of all evil and darkness trying to tell some fairy tales to a group of little kids. That shit is frightening man. But I think there was another subliminal message about how annoying kids can get. Why is that? Because, the little kids kept asking questions about the story, Aku got annoyed and basically said “Fuck it.”, wont on a rage-quit and left.

Aku: “ENOUGH!! Here’s the truest tale of all! There was an almighty, all-powerful wizard and there was a pathetic little samurai! And the wizard DESTROYYYYED HIM!”

**cuts to an uppercut that leads to a random delayed explosion**

Aku: “THE END!!”

**disappears out of existence**

Again, this is the personification of all things evil who couldn’t even handle some overly observant/curious kids. That’s what’s truly frightening.

But still, those are just two examples out of many more. And again, I highly recommend that y’all go and watch some old cartoons. You’ll be surprised at the insanity and possible life lessons that will arise from watching them. Don’t go soft on me goddammit. Alright, I’m done. Goodbye.

Love old school cartoons? Then feel free to follow/like/share/etc. I’d appreciate it!

Joe Johnson

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