In the name of love


At times you do anything to keep the woman you love happy.

Several months had passed

Since I made up my mind

To do whatever I could

So as to win her over

Making it a do or die kind of thing

Perhaps I did dig my own grave

Or won myself a free ticket to hell

Despite it not being the end of times yet

There isn’t any kind of word

That could give my situation a perfect description

I’d sit on the couch

And for long hours wonder what I had become

My stubbornness and bullish attitude having made way

For a weaker man with no guts

I remember well, yeah

At times she’d text back but not always

At other times, she’d leave me hanging.

Those times when I’d have to watch her

Play freely, hug with friends

Weren’t any better either

So many things happened

But I still stuck around

I’d punch walls with fury

Slum doors behind me

And bang tables with disappointment

Yet the next minute we saw each other

I would still find a way to smile or grin

However, at the back of my mind

No matter how much I blushed off

The thought of letting go

I knew that a day would come

When her insistence on pushing me away

Would finally pay off

Since at the end of the day, the fact still remained

That falling for her

Wasn’t similar to any kind of a curse

Cast on me to last forever.

If things didn’t change for the better

Of course at some point

My strength would diminish

I’d glow weary of chasing after her

Because after all everyone treasure’s success

All in all I still hoped

That before this happened

Shed open up her heart for me

Just in time, before I called it quits.

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