Iowa’s Original Writers Anthology

Iowa Original Writers Anthology

Experience the Strong Literary Culture of Local Iowa Authors

Independent or Traditionally Published, it doesn’t matter. In the end, we’re all IOWA.
Step into a world of fantasy, love, business, mystery, adventure, and horror as you open the pages of this book to discover the intense literary culture that resides in Iowa.

This Annual Short Story Anthology is a collection of works by writers of all walks of life. If you’re interested in partaking in Next Year’s Anthology, start writing and send an email to [email protected]



Authors included in this Anthology:

Kathryn Daugherty, Ross Griswold, Wendy & Charles Siefken, Ethan Charron and Lauri Buck, Nan McAdam, Robert Kerr, Steve Havemann, Sue Raymond, Jordyn Meryl, Stephen Brayton, and Matthew Davenport.

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