It’s Meghan Quinn Week!!

Hello, my wonderful friends. I have decided this week will belong to one of my favorite authors, Meghan Quinn. If you have yet to discover the wonderful goodness that is her work, then, by all means, you’ve come to the right place. I Freaking LOVE this author. Her writing is fun and quirky, her characters are lovable and the stories will draw you in whether they are serious or comical in nature. What they all have in common are love and romance, so if this is your genre then welcome to the party!


I first fell in love with Meghan after reading The Virgin Romance Novelist. When I tell you this book is laugh out loud funny, I almost peed my pants giggling. So in honor of this wonderful lady, I would like to give away a personalized signed copy of any Meghan Quinn book of the winner’s choosing and because she is AMAZE-BALLS Ms. Quinn is throwing in 3 Kindle copies of Dear Life!


For a list of Meghan’s books click HERE


Now for the important part…I am running these TWO giveaways simultaneously. To enter to win the signed paperback you must click HERE! For a chance to win a Kindle copy of Dear Life make sure you head over and LIKE Meghan’s Facebook page  as well as mine then come back here and drop a comment below when you’re done!



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