Kolm aastat tagasi oli meie Ussipesa köök täis mehi, kes pošeerisid Norra blogija Tine ja tema abikaasa Thorleifi õpetuste järgi mune ja lõikusid õuntest libilkaid ja luiki. Täna, enne uue projekti lanseerimist, tundus nii õige hetk toda esimest koostööd meenutada. Uuest projektist veel hetkel nii palju, et ma mäletan kui keegi meie oma blogija pahandas, kui üks ettevõte talle lubas teksti ette kirjutada, et mis mõttes, sa tuled mulle ütlema, mida ma kirjutan.
Norra blogijatega koostööd alustades pidin ma kõigepealt täitma brief´i, kus panin kirja, mis ma tahan, et tekstis kindlasti ära mainitakse, mis kujul ma tahan pilte ja mis stiilis ma postitust tahan. Eile hilisõhtul sain ma blogipostituse mustandi, et saaksin selle üle vaadata ja soovi korral veel täpsustada ning muuta. Ei tahtnud. Tekst oli õige ja pildid lausa imelised. Juba peagi saan neid ka teiega jagada. Enne on mul vaja veel Oslosse jõuda ja viimastele blogijatele tooted viia, sest nad tahtsid kindlasti enne pimedat pildid ära teha.
Mulle meeldib see, et kui on koostöö, siis on kõik täpselt kuupäevaliselt ja vaat et kellaajaliselt kirja pandud, kuna midagi kuhu postitada tuleb. Ei ole nii, et võtan raha vastu ja siis reklaamin suvekingi kui esimene lumi maas:)
Ja nüüd korraks ajas tagasi.
Yesterday our tiny kitchen was full of men – 14 Estonian guys learned how to make breakfast to their wives.
What’s so special about that you ask? Why would someone need a course like this? We all know how to fry eggs and make sandwiches. Well, take a look at the photos and you see what they learned:)I don’t even remember how I found Tine’s blog, but probably I was just trying to find some Norwegian blogs to follow. I love Norway, part of me feels that I am a bit Norwegian (after living there for some years), so I try to not forget my Norwegian skills. For a while I was following the so called “pink bloggers” but pretty soon I got tired of too much silicon in their blogs, I searched for something new, something interesting and classy. Thank God for Instagram, that’s probably how I found Tine’s profile and link to her blog. One of the most popular blogs in Norway, which for a long time now is my favourite spare time reading.
The photos she posted about daily breakfasts her husband makes (#todaysbreakfastinbed) were so amazing that soon the women in Norway asked for a course for their men. It was a success. And then it hit me. Why not invite thme to Estonia to have the same course her. Me and my sister met Tine and Thorleif in Norway this summer and we agreed that the course will take place in our kitchen in autumn.
So yesterday was the day. It was so much fun! For a second I was worried that we have not all the necessary appliances and the kitchen is too small and I thought perhaps it would have been a better idea to have the course in our restaurant kitchen, but it really turned out so well. The men were shy at the beginning and didn’t understand exactly where their wives and girlfriends had send them, but after a while they were having so much fun in the kitchen. I was happy that we had this course, and choose our home instead of Diip. It was cozy. Did I mention fun;) And guess how many wives had poached eggs and apple swans for breakfast this morning in Estonia? At least 14. I know I have seen the photos. I will post them to my blog later today/tomorrow with instructions how to make the swan out of an apple.