Land of Silence by Tessa Afshar


Before Christ called her daughter . . .

Before she stole healing by touching the hem of his garment . . .

Elianna is a young girl crushed by guilt. After her only brother is killed while in her care, Elianna tries to earn forgiveness by working for her father’s textile trade and caring for her family. When another tragedy places Elianna in sole charge of the business, her talent for design brings enormous success, but never the absolution she longs for. As her world unravels, she breaks off her betrothal to the only man she will ever love. Then illness strikes, isolating Elianna from everyone, stripping everything she has left.

No physician can cure her. No end is in sight. Until she hears whispers of a man whose mere touch can heal. After so many years of suffering and disappointment, is it possible that one man could redeem the wounds of body . . . and soul?

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Title: Land of Silence

Series (if applicable): N/A

Author: Tessa Afshar

Publisher (if applicable): Tyndale Fiction

Genre(s): Biblical Fiction, Historical Fiction, Christian, Fiction

Recommended Age Range: 13-14+

My Rating:

My Review:

As much as I try to keep the spoilers to a minimum, this review will contain some.

I’ve heard so much about this book and I’m very glad I read it! Let me be honest though. The main reasons I even read this book was, 1) Obviously for the story of the woman with the issue of blood, and 2) For Jesus to make an appearance. I seem to like Jesus appearing in books like these, which is great…. as long as it is done properly!

I have to admit it was very interesting to start off with the main characters’ little brother pass away. Although the scene was sad, it drew me in. Oddly enough, death and action seem to draw me in the most.