Like a Rushing Mighty Wind You Shall Dance

 “And suddenly there came a sound from heaven , as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting…” Acts 2:2

This is what I heard in my spirit when I saw what my husband had given me for Christmas. It was a purple WIND DANCER! For those of you who don’t know what these are, they are like wind socks, with a face and arms,  that are usually placed in front of stores or car dealerships to draw attention to the business. My husband knows that no matter what kind of mood I’m in I will always giggle at the sight of these WIND DANCERS and their wild and crazy dancing. I knew as soon as I opened it that there was also a prophetic word that the Lord wanted me to unpack for 2018.

The most monumental things about the way WIND DANCER’S function is that they are compelled and propelled by the mighty rushing wind blowing through them. This is NOT a gentle breeze blowing through them but a force strong enough to make them able to stand and dance in even the coldest and darkest conditions. They are not effected by the external environment one bit. The winds can blow all around them and they will still dance! When pressure comes against them in any form, they bounce back to a standing position! This is the same for us! We need to be so full of the Holy Spirit that we are not effected by the environment around us. When the winds of opposition come we will dance because the force of the wind within us is greater than the wind that is coming against us. You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. – 1 John 4:4

There is coming a fresh filling of the Holy Spirit that will be like nothing before. The force of this wind will be powerful, vibrant, and able to push us past things that have hindered us in the past. The things we have battled in the past will be blown away by His glory! Insecurity and the fear of man cannot last in this glory!!!

It is vital in 2018 that we stay plugged into His heart. If we are not plugged in, we are nothing more than a pile of fabric on the floor. Resist the urge to puff yourself up in these unplugged moments with hot air (you will exhaust yourself) and get yourself plugged back into your Power source!

It is so easy in times of trouble to shut down and refuse to move in order to protect yourself. This is not a year to react in this manner. We cannot dance if we refuse to be moved. We cannot dance if we aren’t pliable in His hands. 2018 is a year to think, feel and function differently. He is filling you with a wind that you have never felt before!

I heard three words….

* Engage- this is NOT a year of passivity or apathy. This is a year of ALL IN! He is calling you off the benches and back in the game. He is calling your name!!! Plug back in to His heart and be FILLED with what will MOVE you into all the things He has for you in 2018!

* Expand- You will definitely be stretched as He expands His spirit within you. It was no coincidence that my wind dancer is purple. Purple is the color of royalty. This is a year to get full revelation on your identity as a son or daughter and learn to walk in it. Stay flexible in His hands so you can stretch! You will not be able to stay in your comfort zone as you begin to feel afresh what He is putting within you. There will be new ideas and new vision birthed by His heart! You will not have to strive in man made effort because the force of the wind will compel you to CREATE! The places you were fearful to go in the past, you will go boldly into fueled by His spirit!

* Express- The whole point of being filled with this mighty wind is to release it into the world. There will be people who wonder how you can be dancing through the storms of life and you will tell them. There are people who need Who you carry! They need Jesus! You carry His glory carrying wind with you wherever you go! There are people waiting to be healed, delivered, encouraged, blessed, loved, by the Holy God living in and through you!  For in him we live and move and have our being.’ As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring. Acts 17:28


One thing about doors. We have heard much about them in the last year. What I sense the Lord showing me is that many people have feared the very doors He is bringing into their lives to bless them, but they are suspicious about them. He showed me that the door is never the problem, in many cases it’s a swinging door and its the force that opens the door that is the issue. An example is the door of BELIEF. It will either be opened by the force of FAITH within you pushing against it or by the spirit of fear pushing you backward. I see many WIND DANCERS dancing through doors empowered by His glory wind this year! Those areas that intimidated you in the past will not exist in 2018 as you yield to the fresh filling of His WIND!!

As you dance walls will come down, healing will happen, deliverance will happen, peace will be ushered in, etc. He is making you a Holy Spirit force to be reckoned with! Make sure He gets ALL the glory!! Remember Engage, Expand, Express!

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