Magic Soap

Hi Everyone! Happy Monday!

I hope you guys had an awesome weekend! My weekends always seem to be the same… I do nothing! Well, I did have lunch and dinner with a couple of my friends on Saturday, but then on Sunday, I woke up feeling so sick (like cold sick) and I laid on the couch ALL. DAY. LONG.

I did get a couple loads of laundry done though. Whatever. It’s not like all of the other chores are going to run away! They are STILL here waiting for me. Don’t worry! Man, adulting sure does suck sometimes…I should say, adulting on a budget sucks sometimes! Haha… If I could have a house keeper that would be great, but it would also be stupid because really??? How dirty does my house get? It’s only me and the freakin’ dog. Geeeeeeez! I need to get it together.

Anyway, I found this awesome writing prompt and thought it was so cute, so I wanted to write about it:

You have magic soap. What does it wash away?

Magic soap that can wash away anything. Hmm…the vain me wants to yell, “Fat, dang it. It will wash away my fat” **as I sit here eating a Reese’s cup. It’s a mini one…Don’t judge. Seriously though, I just ordered Nutri-System. It will be here next week.**


Really though, when I think about it, there are sooooo many things I would want it to wash away but I’ll just share a few: anxiety, my health issues, memories of broken promises, and loneliness. I’m not afraid to admit these things…because I’m not perfect. But there is good news! I know someone who IS perfect. His name is Jesus and He loves you and He CAN wash away these things. It may not be today, tomorrow or even in a month, but in His perfect timing, I believe He will.

At times, giving these things up to God can be a daily struggle. Sometimes, I get MAD that I have Hashimoto’s and think how unfair it is and how it has really changed my life in only a few short years and I throw a pity party for myself…but then I remember that I have to give it to God on a daily basis and ask Him for the strength to make it through each day…and most days are good…some are better than others, but mostly good.

So, really, when you think about it, there already is a magic soap that can wash away anything…just say JESUS.


What do you wish a magic soap could wash away for you? Something you said, something you did, a quality about yourself…even a certain person? Comment below so we can interact! Remember to follow my blog to receive e-mails whenever new posts are published. I’m also on Twitter @relate4real and Instagram @therelatablerealist. I look forward to connecting with you guys!

Remember: Be real, be authentic, be YOU!

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