Monkey Puzzle

Book Name : Monkey Puzzle

Author: Julia Donaldson

Illustrator:Axel Scheffler

Publisher: Pan Macmillan Children’s Books

Theme/Topic: Poor little monkey! He’s lost his mum. Luckily butterfly is nearby to help him find her…

What You’ll Love About This Book: Beautiful book in typical Julia Donaldson style with fantastic illustrations.Best for all ages. This is an endearing story about a monkey who loses his Mum and is helped by a butterfly to try and find her. Throughout the book, other animals are introduced using describing what they look like. This allows the children to interact with the story and guess what the next animal may be. Monkey Puzzle is a charming jungle tale with the hallmark rhyming text of Julia Donaldson and lively illustrations of Axel Scheffler, creators of The Gruffalo. Very well written and illustrated. We really enjoyed reading this book.Must read for all kids till age 7.Happy Reading!!!

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