Month in Review: Sept – Nov

My last blog review was way back in August when the weather was still hot, school was still out, and Christmas was nearly a hundred days away.

Then I blinked and it became December. What has happened here since then? I stopped writing on Tuesdays and Saturdays and now just post my recurring things. Sundays are for sharing posts of the blogs I read. Thursdays are for asking my kids questions. Fridays are for answering their questions. Mondays and Wednesdays are like a free for all. Anything is fair game for those two days, but chances are good it’ll be about the antics of two certain boys featured here regularly.

Lets get to the good stuff, already. What have the numbers said about my blog for the last three months?

In August I had 1,056 followers. It was nice crossing that 1,000 milestone. Today, I have 1,144 followers. That’s a gain of 88 followers! Thanks to all 88 of you most recent followers. My most recent followers were Leo – Love Emotion Own, Carlo Rossi, and Moorezart. Thanks for following! Will you be next? Go ahead. I double dog dare you.

The blog had 3,184 views over the three months. That’s also the same number of times I said, “Don’t hit your brother!” That’s an average of 1,061 views/Don’t-hit-your-brothers per month. Not too shabby. It’s not making me my millions yet, but we’re having fun (usually)!

Out of the three months, The Backup Plan had the most views with 71. It’s always good keep your wife happy and it’s easiest when you have multiple plans to choose from. In second place was 10 Reasons My Kids Are A-Holes with 67 because parenting sometimes sucks. Bringing home the bronze medal in 3rd place was The Entitled Millennial with 51.

I had 1,774 visitors over the three months. Coincidentally, the boys make the exact number of messes. Subtract this number from itself to know exactly how many they cleaned up.

There were 961 likes. I like that, but that’s not what keeps this place ticking.

What keeps this place ticking? The 664 times someone wrote a comment. Like always, it’s the discussions, the stories, and the connections that make this place a fun place to come to. Thanks for talking to me. It’s means so much…

The USA, Canada, and The United Kingdom were consistently first, second, and third in the countries who visited most often category. The Netherlands and Australia took turns coming in fourth. Though, the Netherlands was fourth 2 out of the 3 months. Thumbs up to you, Netherlands!

The funnest part is looking up what search terms led to my blog. I have no idea how most of them led to my blog…

  • matthew goldstein editor video
  • ahdad in numbers
  • lazy dad
  • how to pronounce usige ban falls (side note: it’s said Ishka Ban Falls)
  • lowrider low and slow
  • gowildaudio word challenge daddy
  • loaf around at work
  • elephant and pig

To finish off the review I love to give shout outs to “The Six”. The Six are the ones who left the most comments.

6. A Momma’s View (31)
5. Welcome to the Nursery (34)
4. It’s Good To Be Crazy Sometimes (35)
3. Grubbs-n-Critters (52)
2. Dorky Mom Doodles (56)
1. Dewy’s Place (71)

Think you can beat out these regulars to make this best of the best, most of the most, list? Leave me a comment and let the race begin. Thank you to everyone for your stories and quips and quotes. I still find it amazing that you people not only read this gibberish but feel compelled to let me know you read it. You are awesome.

As always, you can also find me on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

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