First of all, I want to say that things are finally starting to get real with my debut novel, No Sad Songs. It is set to be released on February 20, 2018 from Fish Out of Water Books, but it just became available for pre-order on Amazon and people are already scooping up their future copies. It’s an amazing feeling! If you’re interested in reserving a copy for yourself, there’s a pretty good deal taking place on the Amazon site, especially if you happen to be a Prime member. Have a look:
On top of this piece of exciting news, reviews continue to roll in from some of my favorite authors. The illustrious Jerry Spinelli, author of legendary works of young adult fiction like Maniac Magee, Stargirl, and his latest title The Warden’s Daughter, had this to say about No Sad Songs:
“Young meets old in this heartfelt, compelling debut.”
–Jerry Spinelli, Maniac Magee and Stargirl
Another rising star in the young adult literary world is Michigan native, Patrick Flores-Scott, who penned his debut Jumped In in 2014. He read No Sad Songs recently and said this:
“When tragedy strikes, Gabe LoScuda’s world is quickly turned upside down. Thanks to Frank Morelli’s tremendous heart and wit, we laugh through tears as Gabe takes on grief and overwhelming responsibility like a champ.”
–Patrick Flores-Scott, Jumped In
Also, if you haven’t read Kristin Bartley Lenz‘s debut, The Art of Holding on and Letting Go, you’re truly missing out on a masterpiece. Kristin read No Sad Songs as well and had this to say:
“With plenty of humor and heart, No Sad Songs will have you rooting for its endearing, flawed characters until the very end.”
–Kristin Bartley Lenz, The Art of Holding On and Letting Go
You can read all of the advance praise for No Sad Songs on my publisher’s website.
Finally, I’d like to throw an offer out there to the many dedicated book review bloggers whose work I constantly admire and whose words consistently lead me down the golden path towards new literature I come to love. I have three ARCs of No Sad Songs up for grabs to any book review blogger who’d like to read and provide honest reviews on Amazon, Goodreads, and the like. If you’re interested, hit me up on my ‘CONTACTS’ page or by messaging me on FACEBOOK or TWITTER. First come, first served!
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