Rob has picked yours truly to help host May’s Genre Grandeur over on his site and I am thrilled to do so. This month the genre is Graphic Novels that have been adapted to the screen. Now I’m talking movies that were based on a book not based off of characters from one. You know what I’m going to let Rob explain this himself
The following text was from an article that appeared on Movie Rob’s site. Gotta give credit where credit is due
BTW, next month’s Genre has been chosen by Vern of the Video Vortex. We will be reviewing our favorite Graphic Novels that have been adapted for the screen.
The one caveat is that it has to be based on a book that has been published.
Example The Killing Joke would be acceptable because it’s based on an actual graphic novel. The Dark Knight would not because it’s based on characters and there was no book before the movie.
Here is what appears to be the official/unofficial list of film adaptations of Graphic Novels
Please get me your submissions by the 25th of May by sending them to
Try to think out of the box! Great choice Vern!
Well, Thank you Rob. Below are some links to reviews of movies that were based on a graphic novel. I’m excited to see what everyone comes up with after May 25.
Blue Is The Warmest Color
Edge of Tommorow
Ghost In The Shell (95)
Ghost World