I think that 2017 was a really long shit show for everyone, but at least we have books.
I went into 2017 with really low expectations of my reading after the events of 2016. I was able to surprise myself, however, and finish thirty books. While it’s nowhere near others’ yearly tallies of 75, 80, and 100 books, I’m proud of my accomplishment.
And so, I want to celebrate my reading year by sharing five of my favourites, in no particular order:
The Female of the Species by Mindy McGinniss
I knew from the very first chapter that I was going to love The Female of the Species and I was right. This book was brutal and so unapologetically raw, and I loved it. Some of the major themes were sociopathy, religion, and rape culture.
See my mini-review on Goodreads.
The Wayward Children by Seanan McGuire
This encompasses both Every Heart a Doorway (pictured) and Down Among the Sticks and Bones, and these two novellas were so deliciously dark. There was a quirky mysticism in Every Heart a Doorway that shocked me when it took a sharp turn from whimsical boarding school to murder mystery.
See my mini-reviews for Every Heart a Doorway and Down Among the Sticks and Bones on Goodreads.
Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead
This is my biggest surprise of the year. I bought the entire series a few years ago when it was on sale and ignored it until earlier this year when I wanted an easy-to-read paranormal romance. Boy, did I get more than that. VA dealt with mental illness and self-harm and slut shaming all while spinning the vampire trope in a new direction and building a six book story arc of family, politics, and magic.
See my mini-review on Goodreads.
Scythe by Neal Schusterman
Similar to Vampire Academy, I had Schusterman’s other book Unwind in my Kindle library for years but never read it. Coupled with Scythe’s premise and a promising review from Joey, I decided to pick this up first.
While it can be a little slow, Scythe was a thought provoking glimpse into a future where humanity conquered death and disease and humanity became immortal. I loved the considerations of morality and the politics within this book. And after that ending, the sequel Thunderbird, is a 2018 release I can’t wait to have in my hands.
See my mini-review on Goodreads.
Queen of Blood by Sarah Beth Durst
Queen of Blood was another sleeper hit. The beginning is a little slow because the story takes place in a fairly complicated fantasy world that needs a decent understanding that doesn’t come until about third in. Once that’s done, we’re thrown into a dangerous world of spirits, magic, and determination as we follow our protagonist’s development from a young girl into a young woman.
I needed a while to sit and stew in my thoughts and experience with Queen of Blood before it hit me that it’s weeks after and I’m still thinking about this world and the possibilities of the sequel.
See my mini-review on Goodreads.
That’s it for my list. And may the books be ever in your favour in 2018!