Ness-vember TBR

So a while back I posted a little post announcing my intention to read only Patrick Ness books this month, and here we are, at the very first Ness-vember. Since it’s also NaNoWriMo this month, I wanted to have a shorter TBR, so this really has worked out pretty well.

A Monster Calls

This is technically a children’s book, but by children I mean maybe 13+ as it does death with mature themes. You’ll know ourself well enough to know weather it’s something for you or not. A Monster Calls follows Connor, who’s around 12 and lives with his mother, who’s very ill, until one day… yes, you’ve guessed it a monster calls. This monster promises to tell him three stories, and after those are over, Connor must tell the monster his story. I’d definitely recommend you try to get hold of the hardcover, illustrated edition, which is gorgeous.

More Than This

*Trigger warning for suicide*

This is a books that I bought, purely on the cover, because, at least with my UK hardcover edition, has the door as a a cut out. I just thought that was so cool, I just had to have it and I started reading that same evening. More than this begins with a boy, our protagonist, drowning… and then he wakes up. This is probably all you need to know before going into this book, and I say this as someone who likes to know exactly what’s going on before I start a book.

The Rest of Us Just Live Here

*Trigger warning for OCD, and (I think?) eating disorders*

I say ‘think’ because it has been a while since I’ve read it, but better be safe than sorry, right? The Rest of Us Just Live Here takes the YA Urban Fantasy genre, one which I am very familiar with, and turn it on it’s head. Despite the fact that there is a huge save-the-world plot going on in the background, we don’t follow the kids that are dealing with this, but instead we’re following another group of friends. Through the yes of Mikey, we’re taken on a contemporary journey, reminiscent of the ‘My Life as a Background Gryffindor’ comic strips.


And finally, my only new read of the month, comes Release, which was released earlier this year. Even though I was rushing around on the release date trying to get my hands of a copy, it has just sat on my shelf ever since. In my defence once I decided on Ness-vember, I was trying to save it for this month. Release, is a modern take of Mrs Dalloway by Virginia Woolf, which I have never read, so it’s probably not something that I would pick up on. Still, it takes place in 24 hours, and… I’m not really sure what else to say. Other than the fact that there is own voice LGBTQ+ rep, that’s all I know, but it’s Patrick Ness, so how much more do you need to know?


And that it my super short, concise, theoretical Ness-vember TBR. I say, theoretical because I, unfortunately, have some books that I’m currently reading too. I am participating in NaNoWriMo, which was an oversight when I put together this idea for the month, so I keep my official TBR short enough so that I would have enough time for writing, and to read anything that might help me with my NaNo project.


What are you reading this month? Have you read any of these and what did you think? What Patrick Ness book is on your TBR?


Thanks for reading!

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