NIL : Escape The Non-Existent

Title : NIL // Author : Lynne Matson // Series : Nil (#1) // Genre : YA // Edition : Henry Holt and Co. (BYR) // Published : March 4th, 2014 // Format : Hardcover, 374 pages // Rating : ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ◊

Book Resume :

“On the mysterious island of Nil, the rules are set. You have one year. Exactly 365 days–to escape, or you die.

Seventeen-year-old Charley doesn’t know the rules. She doesn’t even know where she is. The last thing she remembers is blacking out, and when she wakes up, she’s lying naked in an empty rock field.

Lost and alone, Charley finds no sign of other people until she meets Thad, the gorgeous leader of a clan of teenage refugees. Soon Charley learns that leaving the island is harder than she thought . . . and so is falling in love. With Thad’s time running out, Charley realizes that to save their future, Charley must first save him. And on an island rife with dangers, their greatest threat is time.”  (Goodreads Resume)


My Thoughts :

I read this book for the first time last year. My best friend had bought it at a Book Fair and she landed it to me as soon as she finished it. And guys… I’M SO HAPPY SHE DID!! ❤ I still remember how much I liked it the first time around, and as soon as she told me she’d bought the second one in the series, I knew I would reread the first one.

Now, THAT says a lot about how much I loved it, cause if there’s one thing you need to know about me, it’s that I have a really hard time re-reading books; therefore, I almost never do it, but NIL is different. NIL is on another level. Lynne Matson became one of my top 10 favorite authors, and I can’t wait to read her other books.

This review is comming a little late to be honest, and since I already read the second book in the serie (review coming soon) I don’t really know what to say without spoilers so I’ll stay really short this time around.

Lets start with the hook on the book cover – and the cover itself. Let’s be honest, who would pick up this book, read : “How do you escape from an island that does’nt exist?” on the cover, and just put the book back down without even giving it a second thought? I mean…. if that’s not a great Hook I don’t know what else can be! ^_^

Now, with that kind of cover, I did have some BIG expactations, and perhaps that’s one of the biggest reasons why I absolutely loved this read and really recommend it. Because, the expectation was big, yes; but most of all, the author just blow me away with her writing and the way she handled things. Her writing lives up to those expectations.

I liked the characters, and following both Charley and Thad, throught both their POV, was really pleasing and opened the way for some major plot twists and suspens that litteraly kept me on the edge of my seat until the end.

And what an ending ! Should I talk about it?

Nah… Not gonna spoil it for you !