Straight from the Austin-area MLS, here is what November looked like. Please remember that individual neighborhoods can be very different from the average over the whole area, which is what you see in the ABoR visual.
When you are thinking about buying and/or selling, I can show you what your particular market area is doing, and then we’ll re-check the market throughout the planning and preparation process. What is true one month might be changing month-over-month and we want as much information as we can get. Pricing for the market is everything!!!
If there had been no more homes put on the market starting Nov. 30, it would take 2.9 months in Hays County, 2.5 months in Travis County, and 2.4 months in Williamson County for all the current homes for sale to be sold.
Let’s talk: you can find me at 512-970-9121 or [email protected].
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