November Reading Wrap Up 2017

It’s definitely drawing to the end of Autumn and beginning of Winter is upon us all! The days are getting darker, with morning frosts greeting us each and every passing day. Fires are being lit earlier in the day in order to fight against the icy coldness which creeps into the house. While long with the cold, my university assignment deadlines are also creeping closer and closer – which leads little time for reading. This month I managed to read only 4 books. Which is strange since beginning this blog I’ve been reading around 10 books each and every month without fail, though it appears with university deadlines arriving that it took over my life a little.

As I’ve normally managed to read a greater amount of books I generally dedicate this section, after the photograph, to my top three favourite books. Though as they are few I thought I mention a little of each.

  • Lockwood & Co: The Whispering Skull By Johnathan Stroud

Why, oh why, had I not picked up this series so much sooner! I love Lockwood, Lucy and George, this trio is so much fun to read, and their adventures and encounters with the paranormal. Unfortunately I was only able to read the second book in the series this month but the rest are on my shelves and I will certainly review the series too.

  • The Hours By Michael Cunningham

A book which was entirely unexpected to become one of my favourites of all time I think. The Hours is a book and it’s film which is on one of my modules on my university course.  This book is written in a way which makes it feel alive, connecting to each character so delicately and the entwined characters lives and stories is so eloquent.

  • Secrets for the Mad by Dodie

I think we all know when we pick up a book and then know it will always accompany us on our bookcases. Secrets of the Mad is one of those books for me. Written beautifully by Dodie, whom is a Youtuber I adore, I fell in love with each and every word – it truly felt at times that Dodie was speaking directly with me.

  • Project Semi-colon; your story isn’t over By Amy Bleuel

I was lucky enough to receive this book to review earlier this year. Since receiving this book, I have taken my time with it as I have been slowly reading over each and every essay. I did this simply so that I wouldn’t overwhelm myself, I didn’t want to trigger myself and so have finally finished it this month. As a result there will be a review of this book soon on my blog.

That’s a wrap on my November reading wrap up! It was a slow month but filled luckily with some excellent reads, though I hope that December goes a lot better. I’m hoping to ht my Goodreads goal of 125 book this year! What were some of your favourite books this month?

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