One Frosty Morning

Frost is not unknown on Tiree.
However frost is not a common occurrence.
Thursday morning was one of these rare frosty occasions

The Moon and Jupiter The Moon The Moon and Jupiter

First light at present is around 8:00am
Drawing back the curtains the moon was visible.
Looking out – Jupiter was to be seen just below the moon.

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Frosty at first light Frosty at first light Frosty at first light

It was not long before we realised it was frosty outside.
The temperature was around hovering 2 degrees.
There was hardly a breath of wind.
So it didn’t feel particularly cold.

Having to scrape the windscreen and car windows is an unusual occurrence

The car windows needed scraping.
It was surprising how thick the ice was.
And it wasn’t just the car windows that were iced over.

Forget kayaks for hire – get your ice-skates

At the head of Pier Road there was a new amenity.
The seasonal lochen was like an open air ice rink.
As yet the sun had not begun to thaw it.

The sun rises over Scarinish Old Harbour

By 9:00am the sun was up.
Scarinish harbour was the window frame.
The white road surface added a silvery touch.

Tiree’s frosty/icy roads

All the way to Baugh the road was icy.
Jack Frost’s touch could be seen everywhere.
The orange glow that came with sun up added to the effect.

A glowing Millport, Baugh Sunrise from Baugh Baugh looking across the By a to Ben Hynish

The low lying mist was creeping across the landscape.
The poles carrying the electric cables poked above the mist.
The Control Tower at the Airport rose through the white cloud.

The Surgery The Misty Reef Looking to Ben Hynish The Airport Control Tower

It was the kind of morning that drew positive comments.
“You should have seen it, I wished I had stopped.”
“It was icy or I would have photographed it.”
“You should have seen the Balephuil Road.”
“It’s a beautiful morning.”

Dr Buchanan’s Monument at Baugh

By noon the frost and mist had completely disappeared.
The sky was blue and it was a beautiful January day.
I willingly traversed the length of the island.
My journey took me to Milton in the East.
And then to Balephuil in the West.

Milton Harbour from Harbour House (Milton)

Milton Harbour was bathed in sunlight.
The harbour is the main base for Tiree’s fishermen.
When funds are available the harbour will be greatly improved.

Atlantic Breakers rolling in

At Balephuil the powerful Atlantic breakers were rolling in.
No wonder on Tiree we speak of the Atlantic Roar.
The waves crashed on the rocks of West Hynish.
And they rolled in over the sands of the bay.

Balephuil Bay and Beach

On the road home Ben More on Mull dominated the skyline.
This was so as we made our way back towards Balinoe.
Mull’s Munro towered over Balemartine.

Looking across Loch A Phuil to Ben Hough – from the Balephuil Road

What a great January day it has been.
It has been beautiful all day long.
This is Life on Tiree.

From the Balephuil Road – looking across Balemartine to Ben More Advertisements Share this:
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