I read an article recently that referred to the Japanese principle of Kaizen. It inspired the author to take one minute each day to progress with something she wanted. The article is called, “Overcoming Laziness: The Japanese Principle of Kaizen” by Dondi Leigh.
I was inspired to take action with this as well but wasn’t sure which direction to aim this intention. Then it smacked me upside the head: my writing.
I get ideas ALL THE TIME and I don’t always follow them because I feel time constrained. So I decided to implement One Minute Musings. Little bites of reality as I see them, lessons to learn or things I need to share with the world.
I am sure some of these will become bigger articles, but One Minute Musings is exactly what I need “write” now (haha I love my own jokes!)
So here is number one, I woke up with this today….
My neck aches, my back groans. My hips feel rusty! Seriously, I am only 42 and I feel like I imagine an 80-year-old without an ounce of yoga under her belt would feel.
It’s time to let go of some stress. I have been going, going, going and I’m going to take my own advice and stop – relax and be present. Enjoy all the things I have going on and fuck the rest.
Stress sucks and I refuse to become her bitch again.
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Jennifer Murphy Life Coach
I am a certified personal and executive coach ruthlessly focused on helping people live awesome lives. I spent a large chunk of my life pursuing other people’s ideas of success and while those experiences were sublime in some cases, they weren’t the “more” I was seeking and I just never felt full. In 2011, I made the commitment to live life on my terms and everything changed. The life I love today was created and I am here to share and teach you exactly how to do the same for yourself.
I am founder of No Limits Life Empowerment Institute as well as a working glass artist, Reiki Master, Partner in Shaman Grocer in Iowa City, and Co-founder of the Midwest Reiki Festival. My favorite time is spent doing anything soccer related with my aspiring world cup soccer player, 10-year-old Alexander. I am also a pretty big fan of gaming (PS4) with my partner Craig while solving the world’s social problems. Learn more at http://www.nolimitslife.guru
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