The current meat market provides no motivation to produce quality meat. There was always low input and low output system in meat industry of Pakistan.
Hen-chopping and meat making Process
This picture is the initial snapshot or maybe the introductory vision of how protein containing meat, which is highly crucial for the healthy growth of our body and mind, is being prepared in our country.
Animals slaughtered in slaughterhouse without the supervision of a veterinarian.
The butcher himself is not merely responsible for this process because he is only trying his level best to make the end meets for his family, who are deprived of the basic food necessities. A slaughtered Goat Hanged Upside Down for Blood Drainage Purposes.
A slaughtered Goat/cow Hanged Upside Down for chop chop.

This is backed by the improper teaching methods for the butcher’s leads to the unhygienic blood drainage system which results in flesh blood being spread out on the floor thus increasing the chances of several health diseases.
Hen handling by Molvi Abdul Qureshi.

Although he is great at what he does we are still not sure about the condition of his hands and his past technical knowledge about how the skin should be slaughtered and chopped for better serving.
A middle-sized hen being weighed and being prepared for being someone’s Tikka.

According to Islamic laws, a chicken should be slaughtered in a particular way (breathing veins) in order to reduce the pain for animal and eliminate the chances of health-risk for consumers.
The local vendors which can be found in commercial flats in Karachi.

From weighing of the chicken to, the dumping of its skin, waste and remains in the dirty drum poses the higher health risks for the masses.
Bye-bye Meat FatThough meat chains provide guaranty about the hygienic process which starts from the slaughtering to the end-packaging however, the variation in prices forces the people from income group B and C to opt for local and unhygienic meat options than the claimed healthier ones.
Nihari: Traditional Pakistani Fat Meat Dish

In Pakistan, there are two major places from where you can buy the chicken meat in the local market and other the branded meat chain.
courtesy : Meat-one

This picture loudly explains the prevailing Food and Drug Administration position in our country and how important is our health for them.
Good Meat, Good God! Let’s Eat.
This story helps us in identifying the two-sides of the meat industry in Pakistan, which are largely disturbed on the basis of the price they are charging. Basic necessities of life are divided into two broader categories based on the socio-economic groups and affordability of the people.

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