Part Time Lovers!

With the clock ticking,

They both created magic,

Made happiness everlasting,

Ignited each other’s soul,

And helped each other grow!

Never to now part their ways, they took their vows.

No, not the ones like those of lovers.

Not the ones which involved words or statements.

But the ones, which could be felt, the ones like those which exist- unsaid!

They aren’t or hold on, maybe weren’t mates,

Still they went out for laser tag dates.

They ticked all the correct boxes in each others ‘the kind of girl/guy list,

Deep within knowing; that for each other they aren’t a misfit.

For every time in their minds this fact clicked;

They would meet, laugh, grub, flirt and let it miss.

A day went by when their hearts felt loaded, rather overwhelmed but his words and her actions left each other misguided. 

Soon arrived the time when the celestials within giggled,

Their emotions conspired,

Their feelings ignited the fire,

Drenching in moonlight they kissed,

Giving way to their desires.

Later, disguised ‘friends’ won the battle, coerced the lovers behind the veil into ditching rather than getting hitched.

They now wished for it to take a natural shape and hence not force in being each other’s mate.

Meanwhile, letting it shape- they made themselves believe “Things can happen to us but it isn’t important for it to happen to our souls.”

With hesitant hugs, incomplete sentences and masked faces, the path for stronger friendship was paved.

Leaving the lovers behind the bars of numb eyes to face the wrath of broken hearts.

Crooked smiles, longing looks and shattered hopes cried out within “The soul cannot live without love.”

For in this same world what they dreamt to ebb naturally was already an ocean in existence of unimaginable depths!

The lovers were rescued as they proudly and friendly paved their way and called themselves-

#BestFriends who are also #PartTimeLovers!

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