Podcast Friday! 

I missed last week after the hedge trimmer debacle but I’m back this week with one of my favorites! 

I discovered them through Chris Kyle’s story. If you’re unfamiliar, Chris Kyle was a Navy Seal sniper. The movie American Sniper was made about his life, with Bradley Cooper doing a fantastic job in the role of the man himself. Chris Kyle wrote a memoir before he passed. He was killed at a shooting range by a fellow veteran with PTSD. Such a terrible end to an amazing life story. 

Taya Kyle is Chris Kyle’s wife. If you don’t know this about me, I become emmersed in things when they interest me. I read every book, I do research, watch videos and interviews. I have to know everything. My fascination with Navy Seals and Chris Kyle was no exception. 

I had forgotten all about podcasts until this time. I began looking for interviews on there that I could listen to while I was driving, since I do a lot of driving for work. I’ve been trying to get myself out of my funk and listening to something interesting and motivating seemed like a good idea. I looked her up and found her on Team Never Quit. 

As soon as I heard the intro done by David Rutherford and Marcus Luttrell (you may know him from Lone Survivor, the movie and the book) and the music, I knew I’d be hooked. And sure enough I have then proceeded to listen to almost all of their episodes. Their mission is to bring motivation and teach listeners about the “Never Quit Mindset” through inspiring stories from all walks of life. 

Taya’s story resonated with me. She spoke about marriage, about how hard it can be, about those rough and weak moments we experience. She talked about strength, how to prevail in marriage, she calls it the “biggest gift”. She talks this analogy about marriage as a marinated steak….”[…]You think of a really great piece of steak, you buy it at the store, it’s gonna be a great piece of meat, that’s like our marriage when we were fresh and new and in love and it was a good connection. And then you think we’ll if you marinate it, what is that? It’s breaking down the tissue in the steak and it’s making it more tender, and it’s giving it some seasoning to it, and it’s giving all these different layers of flavor, and I think that’s what happened to our marriage and one of the greatest gifts I ever got […]”

As someone who is married, only five years in, I found this to be such an interesting and truthful take on marriage. Things happen, you have ups and downs, good moments and bad together. It’s “marinating” your marriage. I want a tender marriage, full of flavors and aged to perfection. I think all married couples want that. 

Her story is full of faith, hope, love, loss and redemption. She’s a strong-ass woman. She’s raising two kids and keeping her husband’s legacy alive. I admire her in all her endeavors. I admire that she has pressed on! 

I highly recommend this podcast to anyone who is looking for a kick into gear! It keeps me in the mindset that life may get hard, and shit may suck, but we can get through it! There’s always a light on the other side. At the top of the mountain is a glorious view. The climb up that mountain may be rough but it’s so damn worth it!