Quick Questing & Character Tasks: Vladimir Putin – Under The Influence

Greetings Addicts!

Rise and Shine cause it’s Questline time!!Yes let’s gather round and take a look at all you’ll encounter in the Under The Influence Questline.  

 Under The Influence

Earn Vladimir Putin

Completed Task 120 

 Under The Influence Pt. 1

Have Vladimir Putin Do Bareback Dressage: 6hrs
Have Jerome Pour Vodka: 2hrs

Completed Task 100 

 Under The Influence Pt. 2

Have Vladimir Putin Go For A Ride: 10hrs
Have Joe Investugate Hacking: 5hrs

Completed Task 140 


  • Check Email (2hrs)
  • Return To Russia (4hrs) 
  • Do Bareback Dressage* (4hrs) 
  • Wrestle A Bear (6hrs)
  • Go For A Ride* (10hrs)
  • be Manly (12hrs)

* Animated Task

There you have it, the lowdown on Vladimir Putin.

Where are you so far? Any tips for fellow Players? Liking it so far? Let us know.

~ Russian Tigger

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