It’s been a while since i’ve done a reading update and i guess you’ll see a lot more in my wrap up in a few days, however here is a little bit of what i’ve been up to in the reading world in the last few weeks.
To start with, i’ve had a GREAT reading month. I’m on my sixth book of the month that i can only imagine has been fueled by YALC happening at the end of July. However, the last book i’m really stuck on is the Miseducation Of Cameron Post by Emily M. Danforth. Which is kind of an issue considering it’s our LGBTQ+ book club pick of the month.
If you didn’t know, we host an LGBTQ+ book club which we read and discuss a new book every two months. July – August this year is The Miseducation of Cameron Post. A book that me a Sophie both picked due to the upcoming movie and generally both of us really wanting to read it.
I’ve been struggling through The Miseducation of Cameron Post for the last ten days or so due to the pacing of the book. It’s proving to be a really interesting story, however a lot of the original information given in the first 100 pages is very lengthy and detailed.
I’m finding it quite difficult to keep interest in the story when the pacing is a little slow because the story is actually really interesting. I really want to get this finished but i highly doubt that i’ll finish it before the end of the book club month! Hopefully i’ll get it done some time but i’m really struggling with it.
I haven’t had a chance to read a second book at the moment (i like to have a non-fiction book on the go at the same time), so hopefully my reading habits will pick up again in the next few weeks, i feel disappointed with how quickly it’s declined recently.