Reality Check.

I was merrily knitting along.  Just minding my own business.  Not complaining about how ridiculous even the most basic intarsia can become.  I was noticing the similarity of my work to this thing from the new Star Wars trailer.

That’s when it all started.  About 2 inches too late, I thought, Hey…it’s about time to add my sleeve shaping.

Whooooops!  There’s really no decision to be made here.  My hand was forced.  Ripping back is not optional but required.  It was then I decided, the eyes weren’t right, so might as well rip back and re-do those too.   As 2″ quickly became 4″, a frogging craze hit me.

It’s my birthday next week.  One of those big numbers ending in ‘0’.  Seemed like a good justification for a clean slate.  I decided to go on a mass frogging.  I started the process when I frogged the weird lace bit on this WIP.

This is the former Jolly Roger shawl.  It’s hundreds of stitches with a motif repeat that has cables and lace.  UGH.  It was not fun.  I haven’t made a decision about what the new shawl will be, but this yarn is too bright to sit in a bag anymore.  It’s still a WIP but it’s a better WIP now.  I may actually pick it up and work on it!

And then, the cuts got deeper.  Full projects frogged.  Well meaning, lovely, mistake free projects ripped out.  Rather than say hours of work gone, I’m thinking about how much better they’ll be as projects I want to work on!  The yarns are all awesome and now they’ve been liberated!  Be Free My Pretties!

Socks on Size 00 needles were the first to go.  My Mom and I dyed the yarn last year on my birthday.  I love the yarn.  I want the yarn to be something awesome.  Clearly, that’s not going to work if I expect myself to knit socks.  I’m giving up on every becoming a sock knitter.  Size 00 needles are not for me.  NEXT!


I really wanted to like knitting this next one…Knitter’s DNA by Martina Behm.  Turns out, I never found the groove.  No fault of the pattern, it just wasn’t doing it for me.  And again, yarn my Mom dyed for me.  I can’t wait to find the perfect pattern for it.  I really love this yarn.

Indeed, Bossy Stitch Marker, I am getting my shit together.

Last in the frog pile was a tough decision.  A skein of Wollmeise involved in a bit of stacked pooling.

The plan hasn’t really changed, this color is definitely meant for planned pooling.  I just need a different project.  I’m thinking about a simple stockinette cowl in the round.  I’ll be done with something like that in no time!

And, after all that frogging, I’ve reclaimed a pile of stuff!

Needles, stitch markers, row counters…oh my!

I’ve left a sizable chunk of knitting still on the needles.  So now, the only problem is fighting the temptation of a mass cast on.  I really want to finish a few of the WIPS that are still on the needles.  They’ve been thoroughly scrutinized at this point.  They’ve made the grade.  I just need to put in the time.   Good thing it’s Friday…

Happy Knitting!

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