Reawakened by Colleen Houck is the first in a YA Fantasy surrounding a Egyptian prince that has come back to save humanity.
“When seventeen-year-old Lilliana Young enters the Metropolitan Museum of Art one morning during spring break, the last thing she expects to find is a live Egyptian prince with godlike powers, who has been reawakened after a thousand years of mummification.
And she really can’t imagine being chosen to aid him in an epic quest that will lead them across the globe to find his brothers and complete a grand ceremony that will save mankind.
But fate has taken hold of Lily, and she, along with her sun prince, Amon, must travel to the Valley of the Kings, raise his brothers, and stop an evil, shape-shifting god named Seth from taking over the world.
From New York Times bestselling author Colleen Houck comes an epic adventure about two star-crossed teens who must battle mythical forces and ancient curses on a journey with more twists and turns than the Nile itself.“
This book was awesome!
Have you ever seen the movie The Night at the Museum?? This book reminded me of that movie 100%. Between the intro museum scene to the Egyptian prince that captures the world, I couldn’t stop reading!
The book itself feels reads in a calm, historical mood. Not only because of how the beginning of the book is set in a museum either. But then towards the end, the action takes ahold of you and you’re in the middle of a tomb full of trip wires and mummies. The writing is executed well to draw you into each scene and actually feel what is happening to the characters.
The main character, Lilliana, is a strong girl who grew up in the middle of a more privileged lifestyle. Both of her parents definitely fit the materialistic viewpoints of the higher class, but this is the opposite of how her personality. We get to see a character who doesn’t necessarily want this life, but instead, she wants to just have a calmer, simplistic life striving for a counseling degree after she graduates high school. Which, of course, her parents wouldn’t be too excited about. She has the inner struggle of trying find out what she wants and also finding a way to be open about it.
I liked how we periodically get to see a historical backstory behind this mysterious, powerful Egyptian prince. We get snip-bits of why he is now in the modern world. It sets a new, more fantasy feel to the storyline.
The only thing I wasn’t a huge fan of was that about halfway through the book, the main character’s feelings over this new guy becomes a little too much too quick sort of deal. Not that it took too much value away from the writing, but I just felt a little put off by the intensity of it. BUT this is not to say that this isn’t a kick-butt book!
Overall, I gave it 5 out of 5 stars. The ending was intense and NOT what I thought it was going to be. The world building was key and created a modern, historical Egyptian world. I liked how the setting was diverse between New York City and Egypt. As YA readers, we don’t really get to see this type of world.
I will say that I liked how the author made the reality of the situation more true to how a typical person would react if they were in Lillian’s shoes. She didn’t just automatically believe what was gong on. It took for a majority of the book to realize that this was really happening and that she wasn’t just dreaming.
This book is full of unique aspects that typical YA books don’t account for. If you want to dive into a whole-new type of reading adventure, I highly recommend this book for your next read! I will be picking the sequel up really soon, trust me!!
Published: 11 August 2015
Publisher: Delacorte Press
Genre: Young Adult
Pages: 400
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Happy Reading,