Review: Dragon Home

Title: Dragon Home
Author: Mell Eight
Series: Supernatural Consultant #5.2
Genre: YA M/M Paranormal
Length: Novella
Available: Now

With Rios happily mated and planning an entire future, Aqua can’t help but feeling left out. The brother that was always been his chief playmate and best friend is going to leave him behind, which isn’t at all acceptable. The obvious answer is to leave first, so Aqua packs a bag to go on an adventure. But this adventure isn’t anything like his last one and the chances of him returning home alive dwindle every moment.

Source: ARC from Less Than Three Press via NetGalley

This was ridiculously adorable. Aqua wasn’t much of a character in the last story, Dragon Adventure, being little more than an immature side-kick to Rios at the start, before Rios grew up and fell in love. Aqua’s in a similar state at the beginning of this, resenting the loss of his best friend and brother to his new mate. He might be sixteen, but dragons don’t have to mature unless they want to – or have a good reason for it – so he’s not only feeling lonely, he also feels left behind as Rios grows up without him. Which is why he ends up flying off solo in search of new friends.

I really enjoyed this. Aqua is adorable. He’s a little naive about the world and he definitely doesn’t have the greatest of survival instincts, but he’s friendly and kind and knows a mess when he lands right in the middle of it. He’s not about to supplant Lumie as my favourite series dragon, but he definitely climbed the list.

As much as I loved getting to know Aqua better, I also really liked seeing more of this world and learning a little bit about other dragons – and some different supernatural beings. I don’t want to spoil Aqua’s story, but I will say I loved the new friends he finds and Ash in particular. I also really enjoyed how he handled certain situations without growing up too quickly.

So despite the sad lack of Lumie in this book, I still found it a cute and extremely adorable addition to this lovely series. Can’t wait to see where it heads next, though I’d love to see more of that mine being dug in Dane’s garden…

Dragon Home is Out Now!
Visit Mell Eight for more details.

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