Review: Shattered Empire (Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens) by Greg Rucka

One of my biggest pet peeves about most war movies is how the characters celebrate at the end of a big battle as if everything is going to be easy from there on out. This graphic novel shows how the opposite is the case and does an excellent job of leading into how the remnants of the Empire might converge into a different foe for Star Wars Episodes 7 and beyond.

These stories also effectively use a known character’s family member to immediately hook me and make me invested in their fate. I especially like how it’s Poe Dameron’s MOTHER that is the star of the show rather than the “traditional” male lead. 

And without giving too much away, one particular scene with Shara Bey, Princess Leia, and a certain queen made me giddy with excitement.

The artwork was well done here, though it was hard to track panel order on some pages. I’m not sure that I’ll seek out the second collection in this graphic novel series, but I’ll definitely read it if my husband buys it. The stories collected in this trade stand alone, and are well worth the read by themselves.

Rating: 4 (out of 5) stars. Cross-posted to Amazon and Goodreads.

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