Review: Worth the wait by Lori Foster


Hogan Guthrie has been father and mother to Colt since his wife died. And to give is son what he needs and deserves he has a second job at a diner as the barbecue master. He and the diner owner Violet have an “inside game”: he wants her and she fights it.

Nathan Hawley left his SWAT life behind to life a quitter life as the sheriff of a small town. And life is, indeed, pretty quiet until he gets a new neighbor, Brooklin Sweet. A gorgeous new neighbor with secrets chasing her.

I must have been living under a rock lately because this was my first book by Lori Foster. I honestly don’t know how all this talent never crossed my bookshelves.  Such a clear and enjoyable writing style (if that even makes sense).

I have to say: my favorite couple was Hogan and Violet. I was lost to them. As much as Nathan and Brooklin were amazing, I loved the other couple a lot more. They’re the exact opposite: while Hogan and Violet are the funny and flirty couple, Brooklin and Nathan covered the mysterious side of the story.

Hogan and Violet fight like cat and dog because he wants her but she’s determined to not give in to him. Her parents died a long time ago and the uncle who took care of her after that also died, so she has been alone for a long time. She’s not used to getting help, much less asking for it. She’s really independent and hardworking but she gets to a point where she needs someone and that someone right by her side happens to be Hogan. Hogan who has been lusting (totally not secretly) after her since he started working at the diner. They spend most of the time flirting with each other which lightens up the mood of the book and makes it so enjoyable.

Then Nathan and Brooklin have a different kind of relationship. She’s really reserved in contrast to Violet’s free spirit. And even though Nathan has funny moments whilst trying to win Brooklin over, they’re not in circumstances to play games like Hogan and Violet. They’re situation is a lot more serious due to Brooklin’s past and fears.

I also have to talk about Colt because, to me, he was the cherry on top of the cake. I seriously want to read this book again when I have a kid about Colt’s age. He was such an incredible boy. At the age of seventeen he has no problem working a series of jobs to help his father pay for his college. He also has no problem working at the diner in front of his friends. And he’s super adorable and sexy (as much as a seventeen-year old can be) with his cute girlfriend. So yeah, one day I want a kid just like him.

If you couldn’t tell already, I absolutely loved this story. You get suspense, adorableness, hard-core flirting and hot romance all in one perfect book.

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Lori Foster



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