If a Sugar Daddy that lives in another city favorites your profile OR if a Sugar Daddy messages you and you have no interest in meeting him, do the following…
1. Strike up a conversation.
2. After several exchanges, send him access to your private sexy pic.
3. He will respond with something along the lines like “sexy, hot, very nice, etc.”
4. Respond by saying “Thanks, I have another pic but it’s not on the site, if you want I can send it to you just let me know your number.
5. Text him and say “This is _____ from (website you are on). Wait for his response, then send Sexy Pic #2. He will respond with something along the lines like “sexy, hot, very nice, etc.”
6. Respond by saying “Thanks.” Then send him another message saying “I have some more hotter pics but I will can only send if can help me out a bit.”
7. He will respond, “Help you out with what?”
8. You will respond, “Can you spoil me a bit by buying me 1 item from my Amazon wish list? I promise it will be so worth it.
9. If he buys you an item. Wait for the item status to be shipped then send him nude pics.
10. If doesn’t want to buy you an item, then ignore his messages.
Make sure your Amazon wish list has a variety of items priced from $20-$500 and that your personal contact info is not being displayed.
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