Shift – More Than A Keyboard Button
Funny how times goes by, with each new sun rise and sun set, unknowingly at times, there are small changes happening in our lives. If you are in a good place in your life, those slight shifts may go unnoticed or if we take for granted the good place we are in our lives, there may be a shift that we are not so happy with. The shifting universe will shake things up from time to time to get your attention, where it is lacking. Just believe it is all for the betterment of your own self and maybe we will stop asking, “why me?” when a shift does happen. Why not you? Why not me? We really need to complain less, stop spending time on the pity pot and make changes for the better on our own time, before the universe says.. “Oh, he/she needs a slight shift in their life.”
I know many of you think I am a nut bar, but that’s okay. I’m a happy sweet nut There was a great amount of time in my life where what other people thought of me, was a great fear of mine, where everything I did, I wondered if I was doing right and in the process of pleasing everyone else, I forgot or maybe never knew how to take care of my own needs first… then there was a shift…that shift was so hard, I was thrown against all 4 walls and no, they were not padded walls. ;), well okay, one today, the shifts in my life are gentle ones. I like being around people who have compassion, witty, know how to laugh at themselves, can listen and respond, be honest and most of all, not judge me harshly or at all. Hey, no one is perfect.
If you stop and really look at your life, you will see the shifts. Like things you once found intolerable, you are now tolerating. Times when you were quiet, not wanting to stir the pot, you are now, speaking aloud the truth for the good, but the greatest shift in your life is when, you realize there are situations and people in your life that do not need your attention, time, energy and focus.
Enjoy the shift.. hopefully you won’t be hitting too many walls with each shift the universe grants you.
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